Web Design

We offer top-quality full website design overhauls and website front-end design services. WordPress design customizations, quick CSS fixes, and front-end code debugging are our the most popular Hfarazm web design services among our huge client base from all over the globe.

Description: Hfarazm web design services offer wireframing, fix advanced HTML5 issues (e.g web workers, web storage, web sockets, microdata, browser rendering Et al.), HAML framework, expert CSS solutions(CSS3, LESS, SASS, SCSS, Bootstrap, Compass Et al.), UI customizations, UX enhancements, cross-browser compatibilities, fix responsive & adaptive web design issues, responsive tables, color consistency, transitions, animations, parallax, grid system, conditional formatting using js & jQuery, charts, video issues, work on complex SVG, print sheet styling, code debugging, device testing(such as iPhone, iPad or Android), source code validations & much more using the most sophisticated tools and techniques in the industry.

WordPress Design

WordPress design customization is our main highlight. Our company have years of WordPress design customization experience with professional team of experts that can customize and fix all WordPress design issues.

Wordpress Logo

Other Platforms: AMP, Shopify, Drupal, Joomla, Wix, Weebly, and custom web apps & more.
Softwares Usage: Balsamiq, Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, In-Design, Atom, Google Designer & more.
Languages & Frameworks: Html, HAML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS, Jquery, Angular, React & much more.
Other Expertise: Backbone.js, Chart.js, Modernizer, Redux, Three.js, Video.js, Photon.JS & much more.



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Why Choose Us

We work closely with you to create a site that achieves your aims. You do not need to worry that you will be stuck with a lengthy and expensive project that run’s out of control, because we quote for work in agreed stages, with working prototypes at each stage. We provide help in organizing the information on your site and choosing appropriate images, colors, and fonts. If you want a particular look and feel to your site, we have graphic designers we can call on, and we will ensure that their design works on your website. If you have a design already in hand, we can provide the editorial and technical polish. We also follow the policies of search engines such as Google to give your site the best possible chance of coming up in search results. We ensure that your site is easy to find as well as easy to use.


Get in touch and get started today. We’re ready!

As a leading web development firm, we provide experienced consultants, designers and developers to take your online presence to the next level. In addition to creating robust, scalable and secure enterprise web-based experiences, Appnovation can also help organizations with migrations, upgrades and integration.