Korab from Germany needed a website designed and developed for his IT agency. Hfarazm Software was given the task to fulfill design and development requirements of website from every aspect.
A multi-page website was needed to facilitate their clients having showcasing their website projects, maintain email subscriptions and products offered. Each product was required to be listed in detail on individual product page.Hfarazm design team designed home page and it was approved after some design amendments by Clever System. Same design was followed for remaining similar pages and its responsiveness for various screen sizes.
After web design, development team took the web design templates and added required functionalities to complete a website well suited for an IT agency in just 5 days. As Clever System itself is a software agency providing software solutions so they are well aware of technicalities and the amount of effort we made in this web project. Ultimately, they were very much impressed by our big league design and development work and gave us a review we well deserved.
Web Design Screenshots

Client Review
I am impressed by the work they delivered. They are highly professional. I highly recommend them.Korab | Clever System, Germany